Every gardener should own this book - Companion Planting in New Zealand will help you work with nature to get the best from your garden, as home-grown food is growing in popularity, this is your ultimate how-to guide. Grow healthy food in your garden.
There are tips in this pocket-sized book for somebody - why it worked can be a mystery, but the result of a healthy crop is the greatest reward a gardener can have and this book will help and show how it can be achieved.
Entertaining and often anecdotal, Brenda Little's notes are inspired by a wealth of experience and common sense, offering the reader a gardening system relying completely on observation of the natural ecosystem, a respect for the plants and animals living there, plus a useful quick reference tool, whether planting in beds or containers.
In a world of increasing hostility to chemical control of the food we eat, this book is an great guide to help you work with nature to grow healthy fruit, vegetables and more.
Illustrated by Ken Gilroy.