Happy Hens that creates hen-themed products, beautifully handmade from their New Zealand workshop. Overseas customers and locals alike tend to fall in love with the Happy Hens products for the sense of joy they impart, their original, bold designs are recognisable everywhere.
With a background as an art teacher – Yvonne Sutherland never intended to establish a thriving business, with growing export markets. In interviewing older local residents, and from her own research of colonial history, Yvonne discovered early pioneer women chose their hens for their striking plumage as well as their egg production. Yvonne remembers her grandmother kept Black Orpingtons, and as a child she loved collecting their large brown eggs.
Yvonne says, “Happy Hens didn’t start off as a business. I just went to the local market and it took off.” To this day, Yvonne continues to be inspired by the diverse patterns of hens. Yvonne feels the universal appeal of the Happy Hens phenomenon is largely due to their shape and original, distinctive designs and the fact that every culture relates to Hens and Chickens.